
Finfeed is the content arm of capital group S3 Consortium, and was intended to showcase the work of ASX-listed resources companies.

However, James knew that for the project to fly it needed to be attacked with editorial rigour — meaning content only made it to the site if it was a good story.

Playing a leading role in the establishment of the brand as one of the pre-eminent voices in the ASX small cap space, James managed the site and contributed heavily to its early output.

Here are a few examples:

When is a miner a ‘green stock’?

It turns out that calling a lithium miner a ‘green stock’ is a little bit more complicated than pointing to lithium as crucial to the lithium-ion battery revolution.

James spoke with several green funds to figure out whether lithium miner investment was green, or more of a shade of grey.

For the first time, India has an honest shot

With Modi-nomics only just appearing on the radar, James wrote a feature about the turnaround of India’s economic fortunes.

Not only did it feature the usual economist talking heads, but James also talked to an Australian company on the ground floor about what was happening outside the boardroom.

Oil investment 101 series

Leveraging his experience as an energy writer, James wrote an e-book on what people should know before piling into investing in oil companies.

It’s been presented here as a five part series.